Saturday, May 30, 2020

Hindustan Times vocabulary

6.CAUCUS (NOUN): group gathered to make decisions: (दल)

Synonyms: gathering, convention
 Antonym: individual, one
 Example: The legislative caucus had a long discussion over the new bill.

7.CHASM (NOUN): gap: (गहरी खाई)

Synonyms: crater, rift
 Antonyms: closure, juncture
 Example: The chasm between the rich and poor has grown wider over the last decade.

8.TIRADE (NOUN):abuse: (आक्षेप)

Synonyms: ranting, denunciation
 Antonyms: praise, complement
 Example: The employee launched a tirade when fired from his job.

9.AGILE (ADJECTIVE): Flexible: (चुस्त)

Synonyms: lithe, supple 
 Antonym: rigid, stiff
 Example:  Monkey is an agile animal.

10. SHOVE OFF (VERB): Leave quickly : (निकास)

Synonyms: depart, exit    
 Antonyms: arrive, come
 Example:  As soon as the6 police arrive the goons shove off from the bank.

Hindustan Times vocabulary

1.TWINGE (NOUN): sharp pain(टीस)

Synonyms: ache, pang
 Antonyms: advantage, blessing
 Example:  I was a feeling twinge in my heels.

2.TAWDRY (ADJECTIVE): tacky(घटिया)

Synonyms: cheap, sleazy
 Antonyms: nice, tasteful
 Example:  His house was in a tawdry location.

3.DIRE (ADJECTIVE): urgent(डरावना)

Synonyms: drastic, extreme
 Antonyms: calm, mild
 Example: The dire need is there to save water.

4.SAVVY (ADJECTIVE):calculating: (जानकार)

Synonyms: cunning, impeachable

Antonyms: blameless, innocent

Example: Why are you being so savvy?

5.FUGITIVE (ADJECTIVE): person escaping law: (भगोड़ा)

Synonyms: escapee, outlaw

Antonyms: enduring, confronting

Example: The fugitive don rarely left his cabin to avoid any social contact.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


6.SUPERVENE (VERB): (पीछे आना)follow
 Synonyms: chase, pursue
 Antonyms: precede, retreat
 Example:  Firstly he did the honors then everybody supervened.

7.REPROACH (NOUN): (तिरस्कार)disgrace
 Synonyms: blame, censure
 Antonyms: compliment, praise
 Example:  He gave her a look of reproach.

8.LAURELS (NOUN): (ख्याति)acclaim
 Synonyms: accolade, praise
 Antonyms: blame, disapproval
 Example:  A soldier won his laurels in the battle field.

9.ABRADE (VERB): (कुरेदना)scrape
 Synonyms: chafe, grate
 Antonyms: make happy, please
 Example:  The wool blanket abraded my legs and gave me a rash.

10.DEIFY (VERB): (देवतासदृश पूजाकरना) idealize
 Synonyms: glorify, idolize
 Antonyms: criticize, degrade
 Example:  It is a mistake to deify celebrities let your parents be your living God


TERMINATE (VERB): finish:(समाप्त करना)

Synonyms: abolish, adjourn

Antonyms: employ, uphold

Example: The government has decided to terminate the services of the new busses. 

2.STEEP (ADJECTIVE): elevated:(ढालवांपन)
 Synonyms: lofty, arduous
 Antonyms: lowered, mild
 Example: We had to face a steep climb to reach the summit of the mountain.

3.EQUIP (VERB): prepare:(संवारना)
 Synonyms: arm, gear
 Antonyms: disarm, disrobe
 Example: He wanted to equip all his soldiers with modernized guns.

4.WITHSTAND (VERB): resist:(सामना करना)
 Synonyms: thwart, brace
 Antonyms: dodge, surrender
 Example: They will not be able to withstand a power attack from our army.

5.IMPECCABLE (ADJECTIVE): flawless:(त्रुटिहीन)
 Synonyms: exquisite, unblemished
 Antonyms: flawed, blemished
 Example: They will unveil a new impeccable way of completing the tasks.


6. ORCHESTRATE (VERB): (क्रमबद्ध करना): organize 

Synonyms: arrange, set up 

Antonyms:  disperse, divide

Example Sentence:
They will orchestrate the meeting for you. 

7. LOUT (NOUN): (गंवार): boor

Synonyms: brute, slob 

Antonyms: gentle, mild 

Example Sentence:
He is a lout person. 

8. STEREOTYPED (ADJECTIVE): (मंद): banal

Synonyms: dull, hackneyed 

Antonyms: fresh, new

Example Sentence:
It was a stereotyped movie. 

9. VEHEMENCE (NOUN): (जोश): intensity

Synonyms: fervor, frenzy 

Antonyms: peace, peacefulness

Example Sentence:                                                                
The vehemence of his temper was controlled by an affectionate disposition. 

10. TRAVESTY (NOUN): (व्यंग्य):  mockery

Synonyms: spoof, satire 

Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity

Example Sentence:
Allowing students to cheat in tests is a travesty of education.

Monday, May 25, 2020


1. YEARN (VERB): (उत्कट इच्छा होना): desire strongly 

Synonyms: crave, covet 

Antonyms: abjure, dislike

Example Sentence:   I am yearning for waterballs.  

2. JABBER (VERB): (गपशप करना): babble 

Synonyms: chatter, gab 

Antonyms: be silent, be quiet 

Example Sentence:
Ankita likes to jabber a lot. 

3. UTOPIA (NOUN): (आदर्शलोक): bliss

Synonyms: paradise, ideal place 

Antonyms: hell, place of the condemned 

Example Sentence:
He live in a utopia. 

4. SLING (VERB): (टांगना): throw

Synonyms: hoist, hurl 

Antonyms: receive, keep

Example Sentence:
When I tried to do it with the sling on, I lost my balance. 

5. VILIFY (VERB): (बदनाम करना): criticize 

Synonyms: damn, malign 

Antonyms: praise, laud

Example Sentence:
Neha was vilifying Monu. 

The Hindu Vocabulary (TOP 5 ) 04-05-2020

6. CONFLUENCE (NOUN): (संगम): convergence 

Synonyms: junction, concurrence 

Antonyms: division, separation 

Example Sentence:

The confluence of warm and cold temperatures is going to create a powerful storm. 

7. INCULCATE (VERB): (अंतिर्नवेशन करना): impart 

Synonyms: instill, implant 

Antonyms: neglect, ignore 

Example Sentence: 

My father spent most of his life trying to inculcate me with his values.

8. CONGENITAL (ADJECTIVE): (जन्मजात): inborn 

Synonyms: innate, inherent 

Antonyms: foreign, external

Example Sentence:
When he was 17, he died of congenital heart disease.

9. ASSIMILATE (VERB): (आत्मसात् करना): absorb mentally

Synonyms: grasp, ingest 

Antonyms: misunderstand, overlook 

Example Sentence:
She had to assimilate a great deal of information on the first day of her new job. 

10. CONGRUENT (ADJECTIVE): (अनुकूल): compatible 

Synonyms: agreeing, according 

Antonyms: disagreeable, unharmonious 

Example Sentence:
Eating five chocolate bars daily is not congruent with your plan of losing weight. 


Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Hindu Vocabulary (TOP 5) 03-05-2020

1. RECUPERATE (VERB): (सुधार होना): bounce back

Synonyms: recover, heal

Antonyms: deteriorate, decline

Example Sentence: 

Although I won the case, I doubt I will ever recuperate my money from the scam artist. 

2. WEARINESS (NOUN): (थकावट): boredom 

Synonyms: fatigue, languor

Antonyms: liveliness, vigour 

Example Sentence:
The woman’s weariness showed over her tired face. 

3. CONDESCEND (VERB): (झुकना): humble oneself 

Synonyms: accommodate, accord

Antonyms: disallow, disapprove 

Example Sentence: 

The president of the company condescended to have dinner with the cleaning staff. 

4. CONDOLENCE (NOUN): (शोक/ सहानुभूति): sympathy 

Synonyms: compassion, consolation

Antonyms: brutality, harshness 

Example Sentence: 

She sent him a letter of condolence. 

5. CONFISCATE (VERB): (ज़ब्त करना): seize 

Synonyms: appropriate, impound

Antonyms: free, release 

Example Sentence:

They confiscated weapons, ammunition and propaganda material. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Hitwada Vocabulary (top 5 ) 02-05-2020

1. JUDICIAL (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायिक):  legal

Synonyms: judiciary, juridical

Antonyms: illegal

Example Sentence:
A judicial inquiry was required.

2. SUMMON (VERB): (बुला भेजना): send for

Synonyms: call for, ask for

Antonyms: discharge

Example Sentence:    

A waiter was immediately summoned      

3. INDUCE (VERB): (मनाना): persuade

Synonyms: convince, prompt

Antonyms: dissuade

Example Sentence:
The pickets induced workers to stay away.

4. MANIFOLD (ADJECTIVE): (अनेक):  many

Synonyms: numerous, multiple

Antonyms: few

Example Sentence:
The implications of this decision were manifold.

5. PERILOUS (ADJECTIVE): (जोखिम का): dangerous

Synonyms: hazardous, risky

Antonyms: safe

Example Sentence:
We had to be a part of a perilous journey.


Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Hindu Vocabulary (Top 5) 01-05-2020

1. SHAMBLE (VERB): (भद्दे तौर पर चलना):  shuffle

Synonyms: lumber, totter

Antonyms: run       

Example Sentence:
He suddenly shambled off down the corridor.

2. AMEND (VERB): (संशोधन करना): revise

Synonyms: alter, change

Antonyms: deteriorate

Example Sentence:             
The rule was amended to apply only to non-members.


3. FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (संभव):  practicable

Synonyms: practical workable

Antonyms: impractical

Example Sentence:
It is not feasible to put most finds from excavations on public display.


4. DISMISS (VERB): (ख़ारिज करना):  banish

Synonyms: set aside, abandon

Antonyms: entertain

Example Sentence:
He suspected a double meaning in her words, but dismissed the thought.

5. NORM (NOUN): (मानक): standard

Synonyms: usual, normal

Antonyms: the exception

Example Sentence:
Women used to stay at home to take care of the children, but that's not norm.