Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Hindu Vocabulary (TOP 5) 03-05-2020

1. RECUPERATE (VERB): (सुधार होना): bounce back

Synonyms: recover, heal

Antonyms: deteriorate, decline

Example Sentence: 

Although I won the case, I doubt I will ever recuperate my money from the scam artist. 

2. WEARINESS (NOUN): (थकावट): boredom 

Synonyms: fatigue, languor

Antonyms: liveliness, vigour 

Example Sentence:
The woman’s weariness showed over her tired face. 

3. CONDESCEND (VERB): (झुकना): humble oneself 

Synonyms: accommodate, accord

Antonyms: disallow, disapprove 

Example Sentence: 

The president of the company condescended to have dinner with the cleaning staff. 

4. CONDOLENCE (NOUN): (शोक/ सहानुभूति): sympathy 

Synonyms: compassion, consolation

Antonyms: brutality, harshness 

Example Sentence: 

She sent him a letter of condolence. 

5. CONFISCATE (VERB): (ज़ब्त करना): seize 

Synonyms: appropriate, impound

Antonyms: free, release 

Example Sentence:

They confiscated weapons, ammunition and propaganda material. 

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