Monday, June 15, 2020

1. Word Meaning - अर्थ

    1.       Abbreviation-A shortened form of a word or phrase    - संक्षिप्त रूप, लघु रूप

2.       Abdication - Voluntary renouncing throne - सिंहासन त्याग, राज त्याग

3.       Abolish Do away with wholly - उनमूलन करना, मिटा देना

4.       Aborigines- Original inhabitants of a country- प्राचीन देशवासी

5.       Abridged - An edition a book in which it has been condensed.- संक्षिप्त

6.       Accelerate - To increase the speed; to hasten the progress of     - गति बढ़ाना, तेज करना

7.       Accessible - Which can be approached - सुगम्य, सुलभ, गम्नीय

8.       Acclimatize - To accustom oneself in new climate - आदी होना, नये वातावरण के अनुकूल होना

9.       Accountable - Liable to be called to account - जिम्मेदार होना

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