Monday, June 1, 2020


1. ENCROACH (VERB): (अतिक्रमण करना): impinge 

Synonyms: intrude, infringe 

Antonyms: keep off, ignore 

Example Sentence:
The Chinese army continues to encroach on Indian territory. 

2. EMBEZZLE (VERB): (जाली बनाना): misuse 

Synonyms: forge, swindle 

Antonyms: reimburse, compensate 

Example Sentence:
He was caught embezzling money from his client.

 3. JOCULAR (ADJECTIVE):  (विनोद-प्रिय): Funny 

Synonyms: humorous, playful 

Antonyms: gloomy, sad 

Example Sentence:
I made a jocular statement at the party. 

 4. JIBE (VERB):  (सहमत होना): To agree 

Synonyms: harmonize, conform 

Antonyms: disagree, differ 

Example Sentence:
I do not jibe with his idea. 

 5. TRANQUIL (ADJECTIVE): (शांतचित्त): peaceful 

Synonyms: calm, pastoral 

Antonyms: agitated, aroused 

Example sentence:
She wants to lead a tranquil life. 

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