Monday, June 1, 2020


6.  TUTELARY (ADJECTIVE):  (संरक्षक): Protecting
Synonyms: Guardian, advisory
Antonyms: careless, inattentive
Example Sentence:
He was acting as a tutelary brother for me that day. 

7. MOUSY (ADJECTIVE): (संकोची):  introverted
Synonyms: drab, shy
Antonyms: confident, fancy
Example sentence:
Garima is a mousy person. 

 8. IMPAIRED (ADJECTIVE): (बिगड़ा हुआ): marred
Synonyms: faulty, flawed
Antonyms: perfect, unbroken
Example Sentence:
She has an impaired vision. 

 9. EARNEST (ADJECTIVE): (उत्सुक): sincere
Synonyms: fervent, passionate
Antonyms: frivolous, silly
Example Sentence:
His earnest approach made him a winner.

 10. UNCONSCIONABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अनुचित): immoral
Synonyms: uncivilized, unethical
Antonyms: cultured, civilized
Example Sentence:
The judge deemed the torture and killings of innocent people to be unconscionable.

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